Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Explaining Game Design

One thing I've been struggling with recently is how to explain to my family & friends what exactly I do for a living, being a level designer is a very abstract concept to someone that doesn't know how games are made.

But after mediating on the subject, I think have to come to able to explain it by this simple principle that a designer in the game industry main responsibility is crafting the player's experience, whatever it's by balancing systems or building layouts.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Global Game Jam 2013

Completed the Montreal Global Game Jam 2013 event successfully, it was an extremely interesting experience.

I will be posting a post-mortem at the end of the week but in meanwhile, you can try out our game at the following link:

  • W, A, S, D to move
  • E to pick up/drop hearts
  • Shift to run

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Player Expression

I highly recommend this talk, especially for anyone interested understanding the link between theatre & video games, especially if you consider that "play acting" & the concept of the player as a "performer" of the narrative shares a common bond.

IGDA-Montreal Nov12 FC3 from IGDA Montreal on Vimeo.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Montreal Game Jam 2013

I'll be participating in the Montreal Game Jam this year, this time in the board game category.

See you there ^_^